This page contains various preliminary drafts or unpublished manuscripts. They are likely not to be in a
stable state, and probably still contain errors that will hopefully no longer appear in the final version.
Feel free to make comments about these texts, but please do not quote them without permission.
[article] [bibtex] | Amsili P (2018), Étude quantitative sur la présupposition. Manuscrit non publié, version 1, mai 2018; Université Paris Diderot. |
@Unpublished{amsili18.psp, author = {Amsili, Pascal}, title = {Etude quantitative sur la présupposition}, note = {Unpublished ms, version~1, Université Paris Diderot}, urlp = {}, year = 2018, month = may} |
[article] [bibtex] | Amsili P (2012), "Peut-on enlever aussi?" |
@unpublished{, author = {Amsili, Pascal}, title = {Peut-on enlever aussi?}, year = {2012}, note = {unpublished ms, 8p., Université Paris Diderot} } |
[article] [bibtex] | Amsili P (2009), "Chaque âge n'a pas son Homère: petite étude de corpus sur l'interaction entre négation et quantification universelle". Manuscrit non publié, Université Paris Diderot. |
@Unpublished{, author = {Amsili, Pascal}, title = {Chaque âge n'a pas son Homère: petite étude de corpus sur l'interaction entre négation et quantification universelle}, note = {Manuscrit non publié, Université Paris Diderot}, month = oct, year = 2009} |
[article] [bibtex] | Amsili P, Landragin F, Acosta A and Bittar A (2007), "Résolution anaphorique: état d'une reflexion collective". Manuscrit soumis (et non accepté) pour une journée d'étude de l'ATALA, laboratoire Lattice, Université Paris Diderot, 4p. |
@unpublished{, author = {Amsili, Pascal and Landragin, Frédéric and Acosta, Alejandro and Bittar, André}, title = {Résolution anaphorique: état d'une reflexion collective}, year = {2007}, note = {Manuscrit soumis (et non accepté) pour une journée d'étude de l'ATALA, laboratoire Lattice, Université Paris Diderot, 4p} } |