Linguistic Resources
- Bittar, A., Amsili, P and Denis,
P. (2011). The French Time Bank: a freely
distributable corpus of temporally annotated French news articles marked up according to the ISO-TimeML
standard for French. The resource is described
in (Bittar, Amsili, Denis and Danlos,
2011) in English and in (Bittar, Amsili, Denis, 2011)
in French.
- Amsili, P. et Seminck, O. (2017). A collection of Winograd Schemas in French, adapted from the original collection of English schemas proposed by Levesque et alii. Details about the adaptation process can be found in this paper.
- Seminck, O. et Amsili, P. (2017). APADEC (Anaphoric Pronouns and their Antecedent in the Dundee Eye-tracking Corpus). Annotation layer for the English part of the Dundee Eye-Tracking Corpus, a resource of eye-tracking data from ten participants reading newspaper articles (50K words) (Kennedy and Pynte 2005). All anaphoric pronouns and their antecedents were manually annotated. A more comprehensive description can be found in this paper.
- VerNom est une base lexicale dérivationnelle construite automatiquement à partir de frCOW, un corpusq
de 9 milliards de mots issus du web francophone. La base contient 25 857 paires morphologiques verbe-nom
couvrant les suffixations en -ion, -age, -ment, -ure, -ance, -ade et -aison.
Missud, A., Amsili, P. & Villoing, F. (2020). VerNom : une base de paires morphologiques acquise sur très gros corpus. In Actes de la 27e conférence sur le traitement automatique des langues naturelles (TALN) 2020. Nancy. Alice Missud, Pascal Amsili, Florence Villoing (2020). VerNom [Lexique]. ORTOLANG (Open Resources and TOols for LANGuage) -, v1.